Will We Colonize Other Planets?

Q: “I heard that we’re gonna populate Mars?? Venus?? We’re gonna “colonize” other planets?? What about taking care of the planet we already occupy?”

I’m a realist. This planet we live on is the ONLY KNOWN HABITABLE planet, for carbon-based units, in the solar system we’re part of. In all reality, IF there were another planet that could POSSIBLY be made human-friendly, who do you think would get to go there? Not you or me!

My thoughts are, if there is a viable source of life, right under my feet, and all around me, why in the world wouldn’t I be spending my money and effort to correct the damage that HUMANS have done, so we can all live healthier lives, right here? Sadly, humans are notorious for “messing in their own nests”, and leaving it behind. So, those who are looking to go live on another planet, have given up on fixing where we are? Think of all the goodness they could do, with all those resources, if they were to begin to help, in whatever way they could?

I feel that our biggest hope and possibility of helping feed the world, or improving the health of all of us, beginning with the soil, is not to reinvent the wheel, but to re-generate vital resources, through natural agriculture. It’s not going to be an easy job, nor will it be immediate, but it’s more do-able for the majority of humanity, than going to live on another planet!

Sherrie Ottinger, The Tennessee DirtGirl


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