How Can I Help?
Q: “When I was younger and more able, I did what I could. I’m disabled now and I can no longer be active in the environment. What do people like me do to help?”
If you are alive, you CAN make a difference. Everything we do everyday, involves use of natural resources. Even the way you throw away your refuse matters. Composting, recycling, using reusable containers, choosing glass over plastic, and sending your “old stuff” to places that can repurpose them, are just a few ways you can help.
If you have a yard, you can stop using anything with “icide” in the name, cut your lawn at 3 ½”-4”, and fall in love with dandelions and clover! Encourage the natural life to come and stay, by growing things that will sustain them. When it comes to buying what you eat, find a local farmer or two, who grow what you like, and buy from them. Buy your meat from a clean, humane farmer, close to home.
Learn what non-profit groups, devoted to regenerative practices, are in your area, and take a few minutes to learn what they’re about. If they’re follow nature’s lead in use-and-care of resources, then you can help by donating to promote the education of others. Many of these small non-profits are thinly stretched, financially. Are you willing to give a few hours? A few dollars? You don’t have to own land or animals or grow a garden, to be able to make a difference!
Why does it matter? Let me ask you this… if a loved one suddenly became seriously ill, and it was directly the result of something in a polluted environment… would it matter??
Sherrie Ottinger, The Tennessee DirtGirl