Birds and the Bees

Indicator Species


Not just the coal mine
In the past, the pesticide problem was organochlorines, like DDT, which built up in the environment and caused the thinning of eggshells; today it is organophosphates and carbamates that don’t bio-accumulate, but they build up in the environment and are even more acutely toxic.

The chain of reactions, which I don’t have room to explain here, ultimately ends in the bird’s respiratory system shutting down. Then there are the pesticides that disrupt the endocrine system, causing altered behaviors from nesting, parenting, and mating behavior; activity level, predator avoidance, foraging and so much more.

How do the birds get this kind of exposure? Through water, food, flesh contact, and breathing it in … just like you and me. Imagine becoming disoriented and not being able to find the way back to your little ones … and that’s allowing that the eggs held up and hatched, and that the little ones were strong enough to peck thru the compromised shell, while other shells lie crushed, too soft to make it.

It’s an almost out-of-sight, out-of-mind kind of thing. We don’t pay attention until we HAVE to, which is usually because of critical illness of our own bodies or in someone we care about. All of a sudden we become concerned about the environment, our effect on it and its effect on us. Why wait until then to become aware and active?

Here’s the buzz
Then, how ‘bout them bees?? They’re annoying, scary; they pester, cause hurt and havoc – right? Yes … but why are they this way? Do you think maybe humankind had anything to do with them and their demise, or shall we pretend we had nothing to do with any of this … again?

Every year for the past few, we have heard from reputable apiaries and entomologists that our lives depend on pollinators. Colony collapse, mites, and bacterial attack don’t affect us, right? WRONG!!! Everything – bug, arachnid, flying critter, crawling critter, in-between critters – have a profound effect on our lives and we on theirs.

Tossing out trash/butts/diapers/bottles shows how little thought most of us give to our impact … but it doesn’t change facts. Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and habitat reduction have everything to do with the demise of our “indicators” … which we aren’t paying attention to anyway.

Penny for your thoughts?
We walk into the ‘big-box’ stores and are overwhelmed with packaging, marketing, fronting, and advertisement. That’s why they get the “big bucks.” If we can be sold on a colorful picture, a piece of info in BOLD, and pay no attention to the CAUTION labels on the back, they’ve done their jobs … made some moolah. It doesn’t matter how it’ll affect our environment or the lives it’ll cost; nope, they made a few bucks!

No matter how you proceed this spring, you will kill something – poison something, step on something – but it will be in full knowledge of the doings … no hiding.

There are sooooo many websites on these subjects. PLEASE look’em up and learn how YOU affect THEM. Then take action, but only at the pace you can handle. You’re moving forward!! Maybe our indicator species will have a chance to relax and just live … what a concept!!!

Need more info? Email me.

Sherrie Ottinger, The Tennessee Dirtgirl


Thinking Ahead


Moving Outdoor Plants Inside