Prepare Your Garden For Winter
Q: “Is there a “best” way to put the garden to bed? I’ve heard so many different ideas that I’m confused. I’m a no-tiller, and I feel I’ve done ok, but I need some guidance.”
I am asking myself the same question after letting my garden get out of hand this year. So many grasses! I think the best way to do this is as simple as we can. In mine, my hubby will weed-eat everything down, leaving the clippings to rot. We may even top the worst grassy areas with cardboard. On top of that we’ll put wood chips and sawdust, along with a ton of leaves. The key to doing it correctly is to follow Nature’s lead, and she adds lots of organic matter every year. Building up layers of things to feed the microbes is our task before winter. Then let winter do what winter does. Oh! Don’t listen to all the “do’s and don’ts”. You’re doing fine!
Sherrie Ottinger, The Tennessee Dirtgirl