Looking For an Expert

Q: “I’m looking for someone who is an expert in the field of regenerative agriculture. I see so many different ideas and opinions, and it has become confusing for me. Can you recommend?”

First let me say that in my humble opinion, I personally don’t believe in “experts” in any field. I think there are those who know more than most, and some who are extreme students of a subject, but no, I don’t think they’re “experts”. Why do I say this? All one has to do is look back thru history at all the “expert” opinions, people-in-charge, and these folks who spoke with authority. Consumers had nowhere to turn, weren’t educated on the material, and accepted their “truths” …. only to find out later that it was all bunk. Just think about the things in our lifetimes that have been “bad for us”, then “good for us”.

Look at things that have been taught as absolute practices in universities, with students having to buy into it in order to pass the course, and now we know its bunk. What’s real? Theory, conjecture, experimentation, trial-and-error, and they’re all practiced by life students. Why? Who knows when what we think is FACT today, will be proven to just be a good/bad idea?

Oh! Now let’s make it interesting! Let’s take, say, 20 “experts” in any field or doctrine (they think their way is the ONLY way), and let’s put them into a big room with all the comforts they might need, and lock them in for three days. How many of them do you think will come out alive after the lock-down?

I feel there are some great learning opportunities with folks who have been-there-done-that, and have solid evidence on what they’re teaching. One such group is Understanding Ag. You can fine them on the web and on social media. They’re all students and teachers and are living what they teach.

Nature never stops. We should never stop learning from that example.

Sherrie Ottinger, The Tennessee DirtGirl


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