My Garden Got Away From Me!
Q: “I practice no-till and this year I wasn’t able to tend things like I should’ve. My garden got away from me and I tried hand-weeding until I wore out. I know next year will be a nightmare. I don’t want to spray. What can I do to not be overrun with weeds next spring?”
Solarize. First, put your fall organic matter (very old hay, straw, wood chips, leaves, etc.) all over it as usual. Buy a big roll of heavy-duty clear plastic and spread it all over your garden. Weight it with stones or tent pegs. Make sure everything is covered. You’ll need to check regularly to make sure the wind hasn’t lifted it. The sun will kill the weeds and some weed seeds underneath that plastic. Leave it on until you’re ready to start working in the garden. You may still have a few perennial weeds pop up but those can be dealt with. Save your plastic because you might need it again.
One of the best ways to help prevent this is to continually be adding organic matter all year. If you can’t get the parent plant out, at least keep the seedheads cut off.
Sherrie Ottinger, The Tennessee Dirtgirl