Do you know where your straw came from?


One of the most important things to know, is who grew your hay/straw and where was it grown? Was it ever subject to any type of herbicide or pesticide, even in a drift from someone else’s fields? Why does it matter? Based on your intended usage, it’s very important.

Feeding hay that’s been contaminated with “icides”, has been linked to livestock aborting, and actual livestock deaths. This is just one more thing you have to pay attention to, right? You would source your own, and your family’s food, and never knowingly buy from a CAFO, I’m sure, so why wouldn’t you use this same caution for your animals?

Do you straw bale garden, or want to? Imagine your frustration, when you go to your local “big-box” store, but a few bales of straw, and bring them home to garden in. You condition them, according to your instructions, then excitedly plant your tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, or whatever else, then stand back and wait. Over a period of time, the plants begin to look weak, pale, then limp…then they’re dead. What did you do wrong? The straw you bought, had some kind of “icide” residue in it, and it poisoned your plants. This has happened many times, unfortunately.

It's best if you know exactly where your hay/straw came from, and if there is any chance of drift or direct contamination. Which leads us back to getting to know some local grass-farmers, so you can be confident your purchase is “clean”. These days, be prepared to pay a premium price for hay/straw from a reputable grower. You won’t be sorry!

The Tennessee Dirtgirl


Tomatoes: Heirloom vs. Hybrid


A Success Story